VATax Reform – Newsletter Constitutional Amendment 132
VATax Reform - What to do
Decree 11,856/2023 establishes the National Cybersecurity Policy and the National Cybersecurity Committee
Bets PL goes to sanction after approval by the Chamber of Deputies
National Congress overturns veto on the Railways Law
Brazil's Senate approves the Sports Betting Bill, and the text returns to the House of Representatives for analysis
VATax Reform - Informative Report PEC 45 - SENATE
STF dismisses request in ADPF 1056 and recognizes the validity of the cancellation of real estate registration of rural properties by General Inspectors of Justice
Ex-tariffs: New legislation* brings challenges to importers
Legal Framework for Guarantees - Federal Law No. 14,711/2023
Changes on rules of non-resident investors in Brazilian FIPs