Concessionaire manages to avoid IPTU charges on areas of the property intended for airport infrastructure services
Ministry of Finance establishes general rules and foresees prior expression of interest for sports bets
Chamber of Deputies approves base text of PL for Offshores and Exclusive Funds
Published in today's DOU (26/10) the 5 resolutions approved by the Interministerial Committee on Climate Change to restructure Brazilian climate policy
President promulgates vetoed parts of the Railways Law
Limitation of the calculation basis for third-party contributions to the level of 20 minimum wages: STJ includes the Repetitive Theme in the judgment agenda on 10/25
ANTAQ opens public consultation and hearing regarding the concession of the access channel to the Port of Paranaguá
Provisional listing of properties in the former Vila Cerqueira César, in Pinheiros
Changes on rules of non-resident investors in Brazilian FIPs
Normative Instruction on the New Transfer Pricing Rules
Normative Ruling on Brazilian New Transfer Pricing Rules
STF rejects time frame thesis for demarcation of indigenous lands