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Brazilian National Civil Aviation Authority sets the rules for regulatory sandboxes
TheNational Civil Aviation Authority of Brazil published an ordinance regulating the development of projects in an experimental...
Regulatory Framework for Investment Funds: Comments on insider trading in investment funds
The main provisions of CVM Resolution No. 175, of December 23, 2022 ("CVM Resolution 175") were briefly commented by Stocche Forbes...
Entry into force of CVM Resolution No. 59
Last Monday (January 2), CVM Resolution No. 59 ("RCVM 59") came into force, which, among other changes, reformulates the content of the...
Government promotes changes in the regulation of basic sanitation with rearrangement of responsibilities between the direct and indirect federal administration
New government demonstrates its desire to transfer the powers attributed by the New Framework to ANA regarding the development of...
ANM simplifies procedures for the assignment and leasing of mining titles between companies in the same economic group
National Mining Agency simplifies procedures for the assignment and leasing of mining titles within the same economic group. READ THE...
ANS establishes the criteria for defining the regulatory capital of health plan operators
National Supplementary Health Agency publishes a standard providing criteria for defining the regulatory capital of health care plan...
Innovations that enable the free flow system are on the regulatory agenda of the road infrastructure sector
CONTRAN published a rule regulating the use of the free passage system and ANTT began taking subsidies for the implementation of an...
Anvisa publishes new rules on medication labeling and leaflets
Anvisa changes the rules regarding medication labeling and the preparation and availability of medication leaflets. READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Brazilian Federal Revenue Service updates rules of Ultimate Beneficial Owners
We inform you that Brazilian Federal Revenue Service ("Brazilian IRS") recently issued Normative Ruling IRS Nº 2,119/2022 ("NR...
Anvisa includes antiviral used in the treatment of Covid-19 on the list of substances under special control
Anvisa includes Molnupiravir, an antiviral drug used to treat Covid-19, on the Lists of Narcotic, Psychotropic, Precursor and Other...
ANM establishes procedures applicable to the investigation of infractions, sanctions and fine amounts related to the mineral sector
National Mining Agency publishes Resolution establishing the procedures for investigating infractions, sanctions and the amounts of fines...
ANTT publishes second rule of the Road Concessions Regulation (RCR)
The National Land Transport Agency – ANTT published the second rule of the Road Concessions Regulation (RCR2), relating to goods, works...
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