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New ordinance from the Ministry of Economy changes publication obligations for closed companies
ME Ordinance No. 10,031, which comes into force from December 1, 2022, changes the publication obligation for closely-held companies with...
Special Salary Floor Regime (REPIS) - reduces payroll costs
The Special Salary Floor Regime (REPIS), is a system of wage floors exercised based on art. 179 of the Federal Constitution and Law...
MEC regulates procedures applicable to the operation of Medicine courses offered under the Mais Médicos Program
Ministry of Education publishes regulations on monitoring the conditions of accreditation and operation of private HEIs and the...
CVM publishes Guidance Opinion on Cryptoassets
The Securities and Exchange Commission issued CVM Guidance Opinion No. 40, which consolidates the Authority's understanding of the rules...
ANIBMA places rules for Funds and Managed Portfolios that invest in Digital Assets at a Public Hearing
The Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (ANBIMA) has placed a regulatory proposal under public consultation...
Regulations published for the 2022-2023 edition of "Empresa Pró-Ética"
Last Tuesday it was announced that registrations for “Empresa Pró-Ética 2022-2023” will open on November 21st. The registration period...
New features in the e-Social layout - Inclusion of information regarding labor processes
In July this year, a new layout of e-Social was published, which covers several points, including those related to information arising...
Federal Government publishes decree regulating the Railway Legal Framework
Decree No. 11,245/2022 was published, establishing the procedures and requirements applicable to railway operations and establishing the...
MME establishes guidelines for the use of offshore electrical energy generation
MME publishes rules for the onerous assignment of use for offshore electrical energy exploration, in addition to guidelines for the...
New regulation on chemicals controlled by the PF
Ministry of Justice and Public Security modifies the regulation of procedures for control and inspection of chemical products controlled...
Investment Partnership Program Council approves conditions for the privatization of the Belo Horizonte Metro
Investment Partnership Program Council publishes additional conditions for the privatization of the Privatization Vehicle MG...
Law sanctioned that reduces deliberation quorums in limited companies
Law No. 14,451/22, which comes into force on October 22, 2022, changes quorums of deliberations at meetings or assemblies of members of...
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