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New resolutions from the Central Bank and CMN bring ESG requirements to the Brazilian financial system
On September 15, 6 regulations were published by the National Monetary Council (CMN) and Central Bank (BC) dealing with environmental,...
New legal framework for railways is established by Provisional Measure
On 08/30/2021, Provisional Measure nº 1,065/2021 (“MP nº 1,065/2021”), published by the Federal Government, came into force, which deals...
CVM updates rules on material facts and securities trading
Last Monday, August 23, 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) issued Resolution No. 44 (“CVM Resolution 44/21”), which...
New MINFRA ordinance deals with the approval of investment projects in the area of Infrastructure.
New MINFRA ordinance deals with the approval of investment projects in the infrastructure area as priorities for the purpose of issuing...
Provisional Measure published to address the current situation of water scarcity
On the evening of 06/28/2021, Provisional Measure No. 1,055/2021 was published, which aims to establish emergency measures to optimize...
Regulatory Framework for Investment Funds: Comment on share classes and limitation of shareholder liability
The main provisions of CVM Resolution 175 were briefly commented on by Stocche Forbes through the Newsletter: CVM publishes new...
Entry into force of Resolution No. 36 and Normative Instruction No. 07 of COAF
Resolution No. 36 and Normative Instruction No. 07 of COAF come into force next Tuesday, June 1, 2021, which deal, respectively, with the...
Chamber approves PL that creates general environmental licensing law in Brazil
After 17 years of processing, the Chamber of Deputies approved, without changes, Bill no. 3,729/2004, which regulates environmental...
New COAF resolution on policies, procedures and internal controls to prevent money laundering
The Financial Activities Control Council – COAF published Resolution No. 36 in March 2021, which regulates the adoption of policies,...
National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) publishes its first ordinance
National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) published on March 9, 2021, Ordinance No. 1/2021, which establishes its Internal Regulations...
CVM proposes new regime for public offerings for the distribution of securities.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) published, on March 10, 2021, the SDM Public Hearing Notice No. 02/21 (“SDM Public Hearing...
Brazilian Senate approves the conventions for the avoidance of double taxation signed between Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Switzerland
The Brazilian Senate approved the conventions for the avoidance of double taxation between Brazil-United Arab Emirates, Brazil-Singapore...
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