Ricardo Peres Freoa
Corporate/M&A, Post-M&A, Regulation & Enforcement of Financial and Capital Markets

- Assisted Eneva S.A. in the business combination with Focus Energia S.A. and the private subscription of debentures issued by Focus Energia S.A.
- Assisted VTRM Energia S.A., a joint venture of Votorantim Energia S.A. and the Canada Pension Fund Investments Board (CPP IB), in the business combination with Companhia Energética do Estado de São Paulo – Cesp, resulting in the creation of Auren Energia S.A.
- Advised Omega Energia S.A. in the business combination with Omega Geração S.A.
- Supported Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel in the implementation of a share conversion program and the formation of share deposit certificates (units) with migration to Level 2 of Corporate Governance of B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão.
- Advised Arezzo Indústria e Comércio S.A. in the business combination with Vamoquevamo Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. (Reserva de Moda Group).
- Guided Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel in the process of transformation into a company with dispersed capital and no controlling shareholder.
Ricardo is listed as one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil by the publication Análise Advocacia.
Ricardo is one of the professionals mentioned as a highlight in Corporate: Regulatory & Legal Opinions, by the publication Leaders League.
LACCA Approved named Ricardo among the most voted by the legal departments of companies in Latin America, being recognized as one of the best Corporate and M&A lawyers.
- Bachelors's degree in Law from Universidade de São Paulo (USP-SP).
- Master's degree in Civil Law pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP-SP).
Ricardo specializes in providing legal consultancy to national and international companies, with expertise in complex issues involving corporate law, accounting, and finance. With extensive experience in advising large publicly traded companies and investors in the securities market, he excels in corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, and business contracts. He represents companies, directors, and investors in administrative proceedings before the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). Ricardo's background includes a deep understanding of corporate conflicts in both publicly and privately held companies, including limited liability companies and corporations, in judicial and arbitral environments.
He is a full member of the Corporate Conflicts and M&A Disputes Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law - Ibrademp.
He is associated with the Brazilian Arbitration Committee - CBAr.